Whole works; with life, and an account of his writings
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- Publication date
- 1847-64
- Topics
- Elrington, Charles Richard, 1787-1850, Malone, William, Rainholds, John, 1549-1607, Gottschalk, c. 808-867?, Church of England, Church of England, Church of England, Catholic Church, Bible, Bible, Bible, Bible, Canon law, Chronology, Creeds, Divine right of kings, Church history, Episcopacy, Papacy, Predestination, Sabbath, Sermons, Doctrinal, Ireland -- Ecclesiastical history, Ireland -- Politics and government, genealogy
- Publisher
- Dublin, Hodges
- Collection
- robarts; toronto; university_of_toronto
- Contributor
- Robarts - University of Toronto
- Language
- English
- Volume
- 12
- Item Size
- 611.3M
Life; An account of the commencement held on the 18th of August, 1614; A brefe declaration of certein principall articles of religion; Articles of religion agreed upon by the Archbishops, etc. in Convocation at Dublin in 1615; A certificate of the state and revenewes of the Bishoppricke of Meath and Clonemackenosh; An historical narration of the controversy betwixt the Archbishops of Armagh and Dublin, touching the primacy; A vindication of the opinions and actions of the Lord Primate Ussher in reference to the doctrine and discipline of the Church of England, and his conformity thereunto, from the aspersions of Peter Heylin, D.D. in his pamphlet called Respondet Petrus, by James Tyrrell.- Vol. 2. Gravissime quaestionis de Christianarum ecclesiarum, in occidentis praesertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usque aetatem, continua successione et statu historica explicatio.- Vol. 3. An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuit in Ireland, wherein the judgment of antiquity in the points questioned, is truly delivered, and the novelty of the now Romish doctrine plainly discovered.- Vol. 4. Gotteschalci, et praedestinatianae controversiae ab eo motae, historia: una cum duplice ejusdem confessione, nunc primum in lucem edita.- Vol. 5.-6. Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates, quibus inserta est pestiferas adversus Dei gratiam a Pelagio Britanno in ecclesiam inductae haereseos historia.- Vol. 7. A geographical and historical disquition touching the Asia properly so called; The original of Bishops and Metropolitans briefly laid down; The judgment of Doctor Rainoldes touching the original of Episcopy, more largely confirmed out of antiquity; Dissertatio non de Ignatii solum et Polycarpi Scriptis, sed etiam de Apostolicis Constitutionibus et Canonibus Clementi Romano attributis; Praefationes in Ignatium; De Romanae ecclesiae symbolo vetere aliisque fidei formulis tum ab occidentalibus tum ab orientalibus in prima catechesi et baptismo proponi solitis; De Macedonum et Asianorum [i.e. anno] solari dissertatio; De Graeca septuaginta interpretum versione syntagma cum libri Estherae editione Origenica et vetere Graeca altera; Epistola ad Ludovicum Capellum de variantibus textus Hebraei lectionibus; Epistola Gulielmi Eyre ad Usserium.- Vol. 8-10. Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti, una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Aegyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad maccabaicorum initia producto.- Vol. 11. Annalium pars posterior in qua, praeter maccabaicam et Novi Testamenti historiam, imperii Romanorum Caesarum sub Caio Julio et Octaviano Ortus, rerumque in Asia et Aegypto gestarum continetur n.- Vol. 12. Chronologia Sacra, seu Annorum et [paidopoiias] Israelitarum in Aegypto, annorum etiam judicum regum Judae et Israelis [Apodeixis] Chronologica.- Vol. 13. Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford, 1640; Of conversion unto God; Of redemption and justification by Christ.- Vol. 14. Tractatus de controversitis pontificiis; Praelectiones theologicae.- Vol. 15-16. Letters to and from Archbishop Ussher.- Vol. 17. The causes of the continuance of contentions concerning church government. Notes on three sermons. Index of names and subjects
- Addeddate
- 2008-01-18 15:03:07
- Bookplateleaf
- 0010
- Call number
- AFE-2741
- Camera
- 1Ds
- Copyright-evidence
- Evidence reported by KatieLawson for item wholeworkswithli12usshuoft on January 18, 2008: no visible notice of copyright; exact publication date unknown.
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- 20080118150301
- Copyright-evidence-operator
- KatieLawson
- Copyright-region
- US
- External-identifier
- urn:oclc:record:858691996
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